Instructions After Glo Whitening
- Avoid food and liquid containing coloring agents such as red wine, beets, coffee, tea, dark juices, or anything that would stain a white shirt for 48 hours after the whitening.
- No smoking is recommended for at least 2 days after the procedure due to staining properties of tobacco.
- Temporary sensitivity is possible for approximately 1-3 days. We recommend using fluoride toothpaste that can be purchased in the office.
- It takes 1-2 weeks for the color to stabilize.
- To maximize the effect of whitening procedure, after 2-3 day rest period, we advise the use Glo Pro Take-Home Kit. Total of 4 whitening sessions of 8 minutes each, sessions are recommended and can be done for few days. Later touch-ups can be done once a month.
*Ingestion of whitening gel is not recommended. In case of accidental ingestion, rinse mouth thoroughly and drink lots of fluids.
Take Home Whitening Instructions
- Use 1 G-vial per day. Each G-vial contains enough gel for four 8 – minute applications
- The gel should be applied to the front walls on the teeth, only to the teeth visible to the smile
- Use GLO for at least 5 consecutive days
- For best results do not skip days in between whitening.
- If you start to experience some sensitivity, stop whitening for a day and resume whitening the next day.
- Temporary sensitivity is possible for around 1-3 days. Fluoride toothpaste can be used for relief.
- Whitening can be performed for up to 10 days.
- Avoid food and liquid containing coloring agents as red wine, beets, coffee, tea, dark juices, etc.
- No smoking is recommended for at least 2 days after the procedure because of staining properties.
- It takes 1-2 weeks for the color to stabilize.
*Ingestion of whitening gel is not recommended. In case of accidental ingestion, rinse mouth thoroughly and drink lots of fluids.
Instructions After Dental Filling
- Completed fillings are light cured, therefore eating and drinking is allowed immediately after the visit.
- If dental anesthetic was used please be careful not to bite your tongue/ lip until numbness wears off (1-3 hours). Eating on the other side of treated teeth or waiting with eating is recommended.
- In some cases, short term sensitivity may be experienced when tooth comes in contact with hot and cold or discomfort while biting down. If those symptoms don’t go away within 24-48 hours, please contact the office.
- During the procedure there was no nerve exposure but there is always a possibility of the need for root canal treatment.
Instructions After Root Canal Treatment - During the root canal treatment until the tooth is fully restored, biting on the tooth should be avoided, especially gum and hard or sticky food.
- Temporary pain is possible after the treatment, it may last 1-5 days. Please call the office with any concerns.
Instructions After The Start Of Crown Or Bridge Treatment
- From the start of treatment until the final visit, a temporary crown will be placed to protect the prepared tooth.
- Please avoid biting on the side of treated tooth/teeth, avoid chewing gum and eating hard food or food with seeds that can become lodged under the temporary crown (nuts, popcorn).
- Teeth should be brushed at least 2 x day but please be gentle when flossing or using picks around treated teeth, do not pull floss up, gently pull one side out through the side.
- If the temporary crown falls out please contact our office.
- Please consider that we try our best to ensure ideal fit of the prostatic appliance, if it doesn’t fit correctly, we will send it back to the lab, what may elongate the process.
Instructions After Completing A Crown, Bridge Or Denture Treatment
- In order to keep optimal durability of the restoration, good oral hygiene habits are necessary.
- Brushing and flossing teeth (including the restoration) at least twice a day but ideally after each meal. For this purpose, it’s recommended to use a toothbrush, preferably an electric one, floss, interproximal brushes, floss picks, SUPERFLOSS or water irrigators. Proper oral hygiene will prevent secondary decay. Teeth that are involved with restorations are most susceptible to decay.
- Recare visits are essential, at least every 6 months in order to examine restorations, other teeth in the mouth, oral cavity, to remove plaque, tartar build up and for diagnosis of any risks associated with your smile.
Instructions After Scaling And Root Planing (Deep Cleaning Treatment Of Periodontal Disease)
- Light sensitivity may be expected after the treatment.
- Eating on the other side of treated teeth or waiting for numbness to resolve.
- Delicate and detailed brushing teeth at least 2 x day, preferably with electric toothbrush, as directed by the dental hygienist.
- Using recommended interproximal brushes or floss at least once a day and medicated rinse twice a day for 30 seconds and abstaining from eating and drinking for 30 minutes after.
- If the entire deep cleaning treatment was not completed it is very important to schedule remaining visits as close to each other as possible to prevent bacterial spread to the clean site in your mouth.
- Coming in for the 3 month recare visits during which we will remove bacterial plaque and tartar build-up from areas inaccessible for the patient. Gum (periodontal) disease can be controlled only with regular 3 month visits to prevent tooth loss!
Instructions After Tooth Extraction
- Bite on the gauze for 20 minutes, if bleeding is still present after removal; please place new gauze in the site of extraction.
- Ice pack can be placed on the cheek by the area of removed tooth to minimalize swelling. Please place it on for 10 minutes and take it off for 10 minutes for a total of one hour.
- No eating or drinking for 2 hours.
- Please avoid drinking hot liquids and eating hot food on the day of treatment. Yogurt, ice cream and shakes are recommended.
- In case of pain, pain killers can be taken.
- Smoking is not allowed for 24 hours; it can lead to a “dry socket” (an infection of the wound).
- The wound should not be touched, please refrain from using a straw and spitting after rinsing (just allow water or rinse to flow out) in order to preserve blood cloth that forms on the wound to protect underlying bone and nerves.
- Proper oral hygiene should be practiced after the extraction.
- In case of strong, long lasting bleeding please contact the office or your doctor.
Night Guard Instructions
- Only everyday use can protect teeth from grinding. If the appliance is not used every night, it may eventually not fit due to rotation of teeth.
- Appliance should be rinsed or soaked in hot water before inserting it in the moth.
- We also recommend rinsing your mouth with warm water before inserting and removing night guard.
- Toothbrush, toothpaste and water can be used to clean the appliance. Denture cleaning substances are also allowed.
- Excessive material can be trimmed with scissors.
- If the appliance is irritating gums, please contact the office.
Instructions After Overlay Treatment
- Completed overlay is light cured, therefore eating and drinking is allowed immediately after the visit.
- If dental anesthetic was used please be careful not to bite your tongue/ lip until numbness wears off (1-3 hours). Eating on the other side of treated teeth or waiting with eating is recommended.
- In some cases, short term sensitivity may be experienced when tooth comes in contact with hot and cold or discomfort while biting down. If those symptoms don’t go away within 24-48 hours, please contact the office.
- During the procedure there was no nerve exposure but there is always a possibility of the need for root canal treatment.
- Due to loss of tooth structure, to cover the cusps of the tooth in the best and least invasive way, overlay restoration was placed. In case of fracture, a crown might be recommended.
For more information on our practice and patient services, please see For patients.