Having dental issues can leave you hesitant to flash a smile. This can have long-lasting impacts on your oral and overall health. Luckily, Dazzling Dentistry can offer you many options to restore your smile. Restorative dentistry provides solutions like tooth crowns to improve your teeth’ function and appearance. Dental crowns can be the solution you’ve been searching for. Our team is here to guide you through the dental crown process to restore confidence to your smile.
How Dental Crowns Fix Your Smile
Dental crowns are incredibly versatile restorations. Through a unique process, we design them to perfectly fit your teeth. As a result, they can address many different dental concerns. Dental crowns act as a protective cap for your teeth. They help to cover a damaged or weakened tooth.
- Tooth Decay: With severe decay, the structure of your tooth becomes vulnerable. A cavity will continue to burrow into your tooth without treatment. However, a crown can cover and protect the affected area. As a result, it will prevent further damage.
- Cracked or Chipped Teeth: While enamel is one the strongest substances in your body, it is still capable of chipping or breaking. Dental crowns provide structural support This restores the tooth to its original form.
- Weakened Teeth: Teeth can weaken over time due to age or after extensive dental work. Therefore, your dentist can use dental crowns to strengthen and support your teeth.
- Cosmetic Enhancements: Dental crowns are not just functional. They can also improve the look of your smile. In fact, we can use dental crowns to cover discolored or misshapen teeth.
The most common causes that require a crown or a veneer are a weakened tooth after severe decay or cavity, a natural tooth that is cracked or fractured, or a tooth that underwent a root canal treatment. Our custom-made crowns require an average of two appointments.
During the first visit, the tooth is prepared, and impressions are made so that the crown fits the exact shape of your tooth. A temporary restoration is used to protect the tooth. You should take special care of this temporary cap and avoid eating hard or sticky foods to prevent it from cracking.
After about 3 weeks, during the second visit, the crown is cemented. We chose a specialty lab and porcelain material without metal, as research indicated that this is the best option for long-lasting crowns.
The Dental Crown Procedure
In an effort to prepare yourself, you should understand the procedure. It is a relatively straightforward process that can restore the look and feel of your smile.
- Evaluation: First, you will start your journey with a thorough oral health evaluation. During this appointment, we will discuss your smile goals. We will also need to assess your oral health. Then, we can determine if dental crowns are the right solution for you.
- Preparation: Next, we need to make sure you have a proper fit. Dr. Radzeszewski will remove a small amount of enamel. This step is painless, and it allows the crown to fit securely.
- Impressions: We also need to take precise impressions of your teeth. This allows the crown to perfectly match your teeth.
- Temporary Crown: You will need a temporary crown to protect your tooth while the permanent crown is created.
- Fitting the Permanent Crown: Once the crown is ready, we will fit it to your tooth and make adjustments. Finally, the dentist will securely bond it in place.
Commonly Asked Questions
If you are unfamiliar with dental crowns, you may have several questions.
Q: Will I have sensitivity after getting a crown?
A: it is common to experience mild sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures for a few days after getting a dental crown. However, this sensitivity should go away after your tooth adjusts to the new crown. If the sensitivity persists, you should call the dentist for a consultation.
Q: Can a dental crown fall off?
A: While rare, dental crowns can occasionally come loose or fall off. If this happens, it is crucial to contact your dentist immediately. You should avoid attempting to reattach the crown yourself. Keep it in a safe place until you can see your dentist.
Q: Can I whiten my teeth if I have dental crowns?
A: Dental crowns do not respond to teeth whitening procedures. If you are considering teeth whitening, we recommend it before getting dental crowns. This makes sure that you have a uniform shade.